
Mumbai dabbawallas lecture at IIMs 


M Medge (right) of the tiffin carrier�s association who has been addressing management students and business conferences. Pic: Santosh Harhare

These management gurus wear dhotis, Gandhi topis and speak only a smattering of English while delivering lectures about efficiency to management students, corporate houses and business conferences.

They are Mumbai�s dabbawallas who speak from the heart about the trade they know best � carrying two lakh dabbas to the city�s office-goers.

Secretary of the Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Charity Trust Gangaram Talekar and M Medge, a tiffin carrier contractor � both essentially dabbawallas � have been delivering lectures at premier institutes like the IIMs, CII conferences, Symbiosis institutes, WTC, for the last six years.

�It started with the Confederation of Indian Industry inviting us for a lecture,� said Talekar. �Our connections are well-managed, which is what we talk about at the lectures. Without putting in any capital ourselves, we manage to achieve a difficult feat,� he added.

Around 5,000 dabbawallas work every day through a system of multiple relay to deliver tiffin boxes in an exercise that begins at 9 am and ends at 5 pm. The finely-tuned system earned them a Six Sigma rating from business magazine Forbes.

Points discussed by the two dabbawallas

* They rely on low capital and use cycles, wooden carriages and local trains to achieve their target.

* There are several groups that work independently and network with each other to achieve one goal.

* They meet once a month where all the groups gather and thrash out issues.

* There is no retirement age. People work as long as they want. to.

* Since their lifestyle is simple and involves a lot of physical exercise, they rarely suffer from illnesses.

* The dabbawallas have a credit society which gets them through money crunches.

* Being �annadattas� they are automatically treated with respect.


Six Sigma rating

A few years ago, US business magazine Forbes gave Mumbai�s dabbawallas a Six Sigma performance rating, or a 99.999999 percentage of correctness � which means one error in six million transactions.

Six Sigma is a process that helps organisations focus on delivering near-perfect products and services. If you use Six Sigma you can measure how many defects there are in a process and can systematically figure out how to eliminate them and try and achieve zero-defect status.

How the dabba is delivered

* The first dabbawalla picks up the tiffin from home and takes it to the nearest railway station.

* The second dabbawalla sorts out the dabbas at the railway station according to destination and puts them in the luggage carriage.

* The third one travels with the dabbas to the railway stations nearest to the destinations.

* The fourth one picks up dabbas from the railway station and drops them of at the offices.

* The process is reversed in the evenings.